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High Plains Raceway Brick Hunt 2023

Sat, Jul 08



Due to the interest of last September’s drive, we are doing this drive again. We will be driving to High Plains Raceway (HPR) to look for the “Brick” with our club’s name inscribed, and to spectate. RSVP is required!

No RSVP Required
Hope to see you!
High Plains Raceway Brick Hunt 2023
High Plains Raceway Brick Hunt 2023

Time & Location

Jul 08, 2023, 8:45 AM – 2:00 PM

Walmart, 3301 Tower Rd, Aurora, CO 80011

About the Event

In the mid-2000’s, several club members provided donations for the initial construction funding of this racetrack facility. At the 2023 plannual meeting, many club members expressed interest in a weekend day drive to HPR to spectate at an organized track day event, and that is the goal of this drive.  We will be parking in the newly created spectator parking area, then will be walking the paddock, watching the cars on track from the various bleachers, looking for the Peak to Peak Miata Club Brick, and eating lunch. Bring your own water, sunscreen, jacket, and a hat as there is minimal shade and the weather can be variable.  Restrooms are either port-a-potties or primitive with cold running water.  Be prepared for lots of walking. 

  • This event is for current Peak to Peak Miata Club members as an introduction to the facility as a spectator.  
  • RSVP as soon as possible, so we can pass an accurate headcount along to the track.
  • No cost to spectate
  • Bring your own lunch in a cooler, or purchase there, about $15/person (hamburgers and hotdogs). 

Meet at 8:45 AM. Drivers meeting at 9:00 AM, leave at 9:15AM. HPR is about 45 minutes east of DIA. You will be required to sign a waiver and wear a wristband in order to enter the facility. We will arrive at HPR near 10AM. Head home when you want, but plan to stay through lunch. There may be a lunchtime surprise!

Hosted by Brian and Lynda L.

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