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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Peak to Peak Miata Club?
    We have been organized since 1993 and currently have over 100 cars in our club. That's nearly 200 Miata nuts! Our key values include: Have fun and enjoy everything our little sports car has to offer Build relationships and support each other Be open and welcoming to any MX-5 Miata enthusiast ​ We draw between 10 and 20 cars for each event. Our members cover the spectrum from singles with their first car to empty nesters with a weekend toy. There are cars from nearly every year. Some of us just like touring, while others seem to like working on their cars more than driving them! Driving events usually have a fun-to-drive route with an interesting destination. Our intention is to make events suitable for the driver, as well as the passenger. Drives are always structured to allow participants to proceed at their own pace, stopping to sight-see, shop or stretch legs as desired. In addition to drives we host social events such as a monthly Sonic Night, impromptu meet-and-greet events. and a holiday get together. Your comments on this, or anything else related to our club, are welcome via email or our Contact Us page.​ ​
  • Are you on Social Media?
    Oh yeah. You can follow us on Facebook. Our P2P Group is an active source of emails and discussions. We also have a lot of photos from past events on our SmugMug page.
  • How do I join the P2P Email Group?
    The Peak to Peak Miata Club uses for an email announcement and discussion forum. Joining is free and easy. 1. SUBSCRIBE (easy option) Email and follow the email instructions that are returned to you in email within ~5 minutes. This will be the easiest way to join the new list. 2. BUILD AN ACCOUNT Point your browser to and join. You'll be presented with two joining options: a) If you only want to send and receive messages, reply to the email to confirm your email address and activate your membership. b) If you want to use the resources and read messages on the website, please click on the link that will be provided to confirm your email address, set up a password, and choose a subscription option: - Individual Messages: Member will receive each message in an individual email. - Full Featured Digest: Group up to 12 messages together as one email instead of being sent individually (rich formatting). - Plain Digest: Group up to 12 messages together as one email instead of being sent individually (plain formatting). - Daily Summary: Member will receive a daily summary, delivered in the morning, of the group's messages from the previous day. 3. STUCK?? Reach the email list owners at: A few helpful tips: 1. Subject line for emails on this list will start with [peaktopeakmiataclub] 2. Membership is wide open, anyone can join. However... 3. The first post must be approved so that we don't get a pickup truck worth of spam. YOUR FIRST POST WILL BE DELAYED until one of the three moderators approves it, which may take up to 24 hours FOR THE FIRST MESSAGE ONLY. Once approved, post away fully unmoderated. 4. If your first posting is "is this working" expect an email from one of the moderators saying you're approved, but don't expect that message to go through. We'll end up with 300 "is this working" emails and nobody wants to see those and the dozen "yes it's working" replies.
  • P2P Group FAQ
    Q. How does one post to the new list? A. Direct the email message to Q. Will this list handle attachments and inline images? A. Yes. When adding an inline image, use the message "add image" icon for more reliable results than cut/paste shortcuts. Q. Do I need to join this mailing list to be part of the club? A. Being on the list is not a requirement of being a member of the club, however lively discussion takes place and spontaneous drives are also announced on the list. Q. Does cost the club anything? A. The base level doesn't cost the club anything. Q. Why not ditch mailing lists and just move to Facebook? A. Not everyone is on Facebook, but everyone has an email address. The club does have a Facebook page, feel free to use it but know many are not on that forum. Q. I'm stuck and the new mailing list doesn't seem to work. A. Email and we'll assist. Q. Will the club be making announcements via the list? A. Yes! Q. Why A. This closely mirrors what Yahoo groups already had, there was no financial impact, was recommended by Yahoo, and had a decent privacy policy. Q. What about the privacy policy? A. Feel free to read it: Q. Is this list moderated? A. After the first post the list is not moderated. However, if someone starts spamming the list with spam and off topic material the moderators will take action. That was not an issue with the Yahoo list and don't anticipate it being an issue with either. Q. How do I unsubscribe? A. If you do not wish to belong to this group, you may unsubscribe by sending an email to:
  • How do I become a Club member?
    Fill out the Membership Form and click Submit, then pay by Credit Card or Paypal, or mail a check. You can also join at an event. Membership is per household, an unlimited number of cars and people under one roof qualify. Many of us own multiple Miatas! Once your dues are received, we will add you to our mailing list and send an email with more club information, including instructions for ordering your free name tag.
  • How do I know when my Club Membership Expires?
    Your expiration date is shown at the bottom of each email you receive from the. Or check the mailing label on postcards. Following your name on the label will be your expiration: Mr. or Mrs. Colorado Miata-Lover (expires 01/01/21) 123 Mazda Lane Denver, CO 80201
  • How do I get a Peak to Peak Name Tag?
    A free name tag for each registered member is included with your Peak to Peak Miata Club membership. Simply fill out this this form. If you are a new member, be sure to check the New Member box so you are not charged! Name tags will be mailed to the address you provide on the form (not the address we have on record).
  • How do I find out about events?
    Upcoming events are displayed on our Events Page. Our Facebook page and P2P Group are the best resources for last minute information on upcoming events. The entire Peak to Peak Miata Club Calendar is available. To add our calendar to your personal calendar, search the web or your calendar app for details on how to add a calendar. The pertinent P2P calendar addresses are: Shareable Link: iCal Link: A few weeks before an event, we also mail a postcard reminder. Once you join, you'll be automatically added to the mailing list.
  • How do I participate in an event?
    For events that don't require an RSVP, just show up. We welcome non-members who are interested in the club. A Miata is not required! Many events do require an RSVP. If so, the contact information is listed in the Event details. Event postcards are usually mailed a few weeks before each event. The postcards have contact info if an RSVP is required. Track days, while listed on the calendar, are reserved for members only. For more information, just Contact Us.
  • What are your drives like?
    Driving events usually have a fun-to-drive route with an interesting destination. Our intention is to make events suitable for the driver, as well as the passenger. Most drives have 10-20 cars and 15-30 participants. In addition to local Front Range drives, overnight drives to the Western Slope, Four Corners, and Wyoming are always popular. Group drives are always structured to allow participants to proceed at their own pace, stopping to sight-see, shop or stretch legs as desired. There is ample opportunity at each event for discussion of Miata smiles, modifications, and maintenance. Lunch conversation centers around the Miata world, but there are enough friends, partners, and spouses around to make sure it's not "all Miata all the time." There are many interesting personalities and professions represented. You may have to draw us out, but we do have lives beyond our Miatas.
  • Can I suggest a drive?
    You bet! We are always looking for intersting drives and destinations. We have members that are happy to assist with planning, or co-lead, drives. Drop us a line on the Contact Us page with as many details as you have and we'll get in touch! You can also join us for the "Plannual Meeting" early each year, where we devise the preliminary event schedule togather. The Plannual is listed on the Event Calendar.
  • What about Motorsports Events?
    Due to track and insurance costs, the Peak to Peak Miata Club does not formally sponsor any motorsports events at this time. However, many of our members actively participate in such events. You can start with Pikes Peak International Raceway‘s (PPIR) Track Attack series. See how it works at their Facebook page, (PPIR Track Attack) look at the rules ( ) and understand how your car will be classed (there's a tool at then you can coordinate a number with the FB page administrator. They also have a non-competitive class, potentially for any car. PPIR has food trucks! A great group to autocross with is the RM Porsche club; great folks, great tracks, a more chill atmosphere and it’s always a great time. The Rocky Mountain Porsche club does not require you to be a club member, you would access their auto crosses through If you are interested in track and autocross events, familiarize yourself with this website, every organizer except PPIR uses it, get a free account. You will see Peak to Peak members at PCA events! You need a helmet, rental is usually available, or get the newest DOT rated helmet possible. Don’t buy anything special for your car or do any mods, just be sure it’s an excellent running condition, not leaking, wheels are properly torqued and tires are adequate. You will need to take everything out of your car, even the spare. Roll bars are NOT required (at autocross, big tracks DO require roll bars!) There’s a great local motor sport calendar you can subscribe to thanks to Jesse, an ex Peak to Peak Miata Club president. He also offer some fun T-shirts and autocross paraphernalia. Have a great time and let us know how you do!
  • How do I add a P2P icon to my phone's home screen?
    To open the site directly from an icon: Android: Launch the “Chrome” app. Enter the URL. Tap the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner) and tap Add to homescreen. Enter a name for the shortcut and Chrome will add it to your home screen. iPad or iPhone: Launch the “Safari” app. This does not work from the “Chrome” app. Enter the URL. Tap “Go.” Tap the icon featuring a right-pointing arrow coming out of a box along the top of the Safari window to open a drop-down menu. Tap “Add to Home Screen.” The Add to Home dialog box will appear, with the icon that will be used for this website on the left side of the dialog box. Enter a name for the shortcut and tap “Add.” Safari will close automatically and you will be taken to where the icon is located on your iPad’s desktop.



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