Miata Rally
Sun, Jun 23
|Walmart on Tower Road
Test your ability to follow detailed instructions from your Navigator, to a series of Check Points in this precision Time/Speed event. Host: Paul le Hardÿ de Beaulieu

Time & Location
Jun 23, 2024, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM MDT
Walmart on Tower Road, 3301 Tower Rd, Aurora, CO 80011, USA
About the Event
**Due to required permits at several locations along the route, we are LIMITED TO 20 CARS--
Send an email to prav8r@gmail.com to reserve a spot. Please label subject "Miata Rally".
- 9:00 AM - Meet at the West end of the Walmart parking lot, on Tower Rd. (Tower Rd is on I-70 East Exit 286. Go North on Tower Rd ~.3 mi, Walmart is on your Left)
- 9:15 AM - Driver's Meeting and sign the club's Liability Waiver
- Route will be revealed at time of departure
- A navigator who will read to you, the detailed instructions to each Check Point.
- Minimum of half tank of gas.
- Fully charged mobile phone (a charging cable is recommended).
- Minimum of two ballpoint pens (in case one is dropped under the seat!).
- A clipboard to place instructions and help on writing notes, etc (Ck out the Dollar Store).
- A lanyard for your phone, (might end up with the ballpoint pen under the seat!) Ck Amazon.
- Use of dash cameras and portable GPS is allowed but is considered somewhat distractive.
If you feel comfortable operating your GPS it can be used to properly measure the distances between Check Points because car odometers indicate whole miles and TENS of a mile (528 feet). Not too accurate when trying to find a Check Point. Remember to reset the odometer every time you stop!
- Safety first!!!
- This is NOT a race. It is a precision Time/Speed event.
- Obey the posted speed limits. Local Law Enforcement is aware of our event and will be watching!
- Use your turn signal when pulling into the Check Points and again when pulling out.
- The whole route is paved. Please be careful around residential areas.
- Your written instructions will be given to the navigator when you are number one at the line up. Enter your car number, driver and navigator's full names on the top.
- Cars will be identified with a number on the top right of the windshield utilizing white glass marker (Think of "Just Married" or "Class of 64" type marker).
- Cars will depart the line up at two minutes intervals to avoid long stop times at Check Points
There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies! Event duration is roughly 2.5 hours.
If you have any questions, please include them in your sign up email (to prav8r@gmail.com, subject "Miata Rally"). I will write them all down and have an answer for you at the driver's meeting.
Host: Paul le Hardÿ de Beaulieu