A place to discuss all things club and Miata related.
Have a question about cars, repairs/shops, or anything else that doesn't really fit another category?
Discuss where to get things fixed. Obviously, these opinions are not those of, or endorsed by, P2P Miata Club.
Discussions about the fourth generation Miata - love, annoyances, maintenance, repairs........
Discussions about the second generation Miata - love, annoyances, maintenance, repairs........
What's on you mind? Past or upcoming events? Drive ideas? Club ideas? Anything not specifically related to your Miata.
Got something you dont want? Want something you don't got? Cars & parts mostly. No commercial posts!
Discussions about the third generation Miata - love, annoyances, maintenance, repairs........
Discussions about the first generation Miata - love, annoyances, maintenance, repairs........